Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Robert Griffin III Please Don't Gilbert Arenas

The Washington Redskins were flying high.  They had just won 7 straight games to make a miraculous playoff run, ending the season as NFC East Division Champions...Redskins star Robert Griffin III was the talk of the town, and the entire hopes of a city rested on his shoulders...Enter a knee...

On Sunday afternoon fans watched as an injured Robert Griffin III limped around the field on a hobbled knee, possibly doing extra damage as he tried to lead the Washington Redskins to a playoff victory.  It was an inspiring effort, but it has drawn a lot of criticism, especially in hindsight after it was revealed today that the rookie QB will have to undergo a full knee reconstruction.

It almost sounds familiar to DC sports fans...


The Washington Wizards were flying high once too (believe it or not).  They had just locked up the best record in the Eastern Conference for the 2006-07 regular season and headed into the All-Star break as an assumed NBA Finals contender.  Wizards star Gilbert Arenas was the talk of the town, and the entire hopes of a basketball-rich city rested on his shoulders...Enter another knee...

Arenas injured his knee later that season and the team collapsed with his Meniscus   Later, during a playoff series with the Cleveland Cavaliers just one season later, an injured Gilbert Arenas limped around the court on a hobbled knee trying to lead the Washington Wizards to a playoff victory.  The effort was commendable, but the Wizards could not win.

There were several crazy factors involved in Gilbert's situation.  He attempted several comebacks when not 100%.  And in the end, Arenas was never the same again.


So why are DC athletes inclined to risk their careers for seemingly small moments of hopefully long careers?  Is it because the fans are so starved for something to make them happy?  The hope created by both of these athletes in DC was enormous, and each player seemed to love the fans who gave their everything to root on their heroes.  It must be hard when thousands are counting on you.

Or does it have to do with the personality of the individual player?  Is it selfishness? Is it a soldier-mentality?  Is it heart?

No matter what the reason, it was clear that RG3 risked excess injury by coming back from injury too soon.  An action that Gilbert Arenas repeated several times, transforming an NBA rising star into a guy who can't even finish a full season playing a million miles away in China.

Please Robert Griffin, do NOT become the next Gilbert...listen to your doctors.  Come back when you are 100%.  The fans will understand.

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